Saturday, November 5, 2011

Breast Radiology

Breast cancer is the number one killer out of all cancers  in women globally. Most of the recorded cases are those presented with symptoms are of advanced stage at the time of diagnosis.
Early diagnose may help the patient to get better treatment options by giving them the best chance to be survived.
There are various methods of diagnosing breast cancer early
Self breast examination
Clinical breast examination
Ultra sound scanning

Breast self examination

The woman can examine the breast by herself
The method of self breast examination Is as follow
Check for  pain, lump, nipple discharge, nipple retraction, skin infiltration ,skin erythemia, Asymmetry of the both breast

Clinical breast examination 

If the woman find any abnormality by the SBE She should go to the physician or a surgeon
He or She will examine you

Ultra sound scan

Will be done by well expert radiologist