Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is Radiography

Radiography uses the science of radiation to produce images of tissues and organs. 

Radiography Definition

Radiography is used by medical professionals to diagnose and treat medical conditions. The diagonostic side of radiography uses specialized equipment to creat images, such as x-rays, that show the inside of the human body. X-rays can be recorded on film or as a computerized image. Radiography can also be used to treat internal malignancies like tumors. A doctor who specializes in radiography is called a radiologist, while an assistant is referred as a radiologic technologist.

Specializations of Radiography

Radiologic techs and radiologists may also choose to specialize in a specific area of radiography. The following is a list of some specializations within the field of radiography:

Bone densitometry
General radiography
Nuclear medicine
Magnetic resonance imaging
Computed tomography
Cardiovascular-interventional radiography
Radiologic Technologists

According to the American Society of Radiologic Technologists,, a radiologic technologist is part of a medical personnel team that is responsible for taking diagnostic images and performing radiation therapy treatments. A radiographic tech is trained in a number of core areas that are important to radiography. Some of these areas include patient positioning, anatomy, equipment protocols, radiation safety, radiation protection and patient care.


Another important part of the radiography medical personnel team is the radiologist. A radiologist is a medical doctor and typically works in a diagnostic imaging department. Many radiologist specialize a sub-specialties of radiography.

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