Breast cancer is the number one killer out of all cancers in women globally. Most of the recorded cases are those presented with symptoms are of advanced stage at the time of diagnosis.
Early diagnose may help the patient to get better treatment options by giving them the best chance to be survived.
There are various methods of diagnosing breast cancer early
Self breast examination
Clinical breast examination
Ultra sound scanning
Breast self examination
The woman can examine the breast by herself
The method of self breast examination Is as follow
Check for pain, lump, nipple discharge, nipple retraction, skin infiltration ,skin erythemia, Asymmetry of the both breast
Clinical breast examination
If the woman find any abnormality by the SBE She should go to the physician or a surgeon
He or She will examine you
Ultra sound scan
Will be done by well expert radiologist
Mammography is the safe and low dose x-ray examination of the breast .It helps to diagnose the breast cancer when it is too small to be felt by the woman by herself or the surgeon .Two x-ray images are taken basically in each side. Some times an additional x-rays are taken to demonstrate any suspicious lesion found on the basic projections. I n mammography the breast is compressed By a compression plate attached to the mammography equipment. The compression of the breast may be uncomfortable to the woman and some time pain full. But the compression is essential to produced good quality images.
There are two types of mammograms
Diagnostic mammogram ( symptomatic women)
Mammogram are done for the patient with sympstoms
With the result ofself breast examination and the clinical breast examination women may be refered to the diagnostic mammogram
• Screening mammograms (Asymptomatic)
It has been found that cancers are rapidly grow at the age of early menopause. There for women should begin their screening mammogram at the age of 40,S.Screening mammograms are also done for the women with high risk factors to the breast cancer
Early menarche
Late menopause
Family history of breast cancer
Women with hormone therapy for long term
These mammograms films are reported by well expert radiologist with the association of ultra sound scan
These reports should be protected carefully and you will be called up for repeat mammograms with the various intervals according to the findings of the previous mammograms
After the mammography women may be referred to the additional diagnostic methods If there is any suspicious lesion in the mammography films
Fine needle aspiration
Breast biopsies
Bresat MRI
Treatments available
Mastectomy ( Early diagnose of breast cancer helps to have less physical damage to the breast)
For a diagnostic mammography your surgeon or physician may refer you to the radiologists. The radiologists will arrange you an appointment for mammography
For a screening mammography you can meet a radiologist who is qualified for reporting mammograms and he or she may arrange you a mammogram
You should prepare for your mammography before the procedure
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